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5 min read

Why Trackout Mats Are a Superior Alternative to Rock Construction Zone Exits

Oct 29, 2024 10:12:34 AM

DiamondTrack trackout control mats

Managing construction entrances and exits efficiently and compliantly is essential for any job site. Traditional rock exits often struggle to keep up, especially in terms of ease of installation, removal, and environmental impact.

Signature's DiamondTrack trackout control mats offer a superior solution for managing construction entrances and exits efficiently and compliantly. These innovative mats effectively reduce sediment trackout and are designed for easy installation and removal, making them a practical choice for high-traffic construction sites.

Trackout Prevention Mats Improve Sediment Control

Preventing sediment from being tracked onto public roads and into stormwater systems is a critical requirement on most work sites. You can enhance sediment control by using trackout prevention mats, such as DiamondTrack.

The diamond-shaped features of DiamondTrack mats are engineered to allow a wide variety of truck tires to deform elastically, which forces sediments off before vehicles leave a job site, reducing the amount of debris being tracked onto roads and helping to prevent costly fines.

Trackout Mats and Ease of Use

Because adaptability is vital to managing a job site, composite trackout mats offer the flexibility needed to pivot plans as project requirements change. Unlike stone entrances and exits that require entire remediation and cleanup crews, trackout mats can be disassembled, moved, and reassembled in a new location quickly and easily. Furthermore, Signature’s DiamondTrack mats can be installed in multiple configurations to meet whatever your job site may require.

Common Trackout Mat Configurations

Single Lanes

Single lanes provide exit lanes for standard highway vehicles and medium to large construction vehicles.

Dual Lanes

Dual lanes provide exit lanes for articulated vehicles, front-end loaders, and larger haul vehicles. They can also provide travel lanes for two-way traffic.

Trackout mat configurations


Where to Use Trackout Control Mats:

Trackout control mats can be installed over various substrates, such as unexcavated soil, concrete, pavement, or asphalt, making them a versatile solution for any project. Create entrances and exits on commercial and residential work sites such as:

How to Reduce the Environmental Impact of a Construction Zone

Having practices and procedures in place to comply with environmental regulations minimizes the impact of construction activities on local ecosystems. Signature’s DiamondTrack mats eliminate Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) compliance violations and can be used as a Best Management Practice (BMP) to meet SWPPP for a Stabilized Construction Exit (SCE).

Additionally, DiamondTrack is made from non-toxic HDPE, which protects vegetation and environmentally sensitive areas. Because DiamondTrack will not rot or degrade, it can be installed long-term with minimal environmental impact.

Comparing DiamondTrack to Competitive Trackout Mats

DiamondTrack has a superior load bearing capacity that supports up to 800 PSI, a 33% higher compressive strength compared to other composite mats, which ensures durability and reliability, even under heavy loads. It also has a 2x higher crush rating and 37% higher yield load than other competitive mats, which makes DiamondTrack less likely to fail under heavy loads, reducing the risk of accidents or equipment damage and allowing for more efficient operations.

Benefits of Using Construction Exit Mats

Signature’s DiamondTrack construction exit mats offer numerous benefits to contractors and project managers, including:

Reduced Project Costs: Unlike rock, DiamondTrack does not require replenishment after initial installation and stays in place for the duration of your project, eliminating replenishment costs and reducing cleanup costs.

Long-Term Cost Savings: Signature's trackout control mats can be reused on multiple job sites for up to 10 years, with a typical payback period achieved within just a few projects, offering a significant return on investment.

Durability and Strength: With a total crush rating of over 4 million pounds, DiamondTrack mats withstand heavy loads without breaking, ensuring reliable performance throughout their lifespan.

High Flexural Modulus: Designed to bend significantly without permanent deformation, Signature’s trackout control mats maintain their integrity under stress, contributing to a long working life.

Sustainable Solution: At the end of their life, DiamondTrack composite trackout mats can be recycled, supporting environmental sustainability by creating new products from old materials.

Reduced Carbon Footprint: DiamondTrack mats are more efficient to install compared to rock and do not require replenishment, which reduces emissions and fuel consumption from heavy equipment and trucks associated with delivering, installing and maintaining materials for construction zone exits.

By using DiamondTrack on your job site, you can enhance sediment control, reduce environmental impact, and improve overall project efficiency. If you're looking for a reliable, durable, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional rock exits, check out DiamondTrack to learn more.


Frequently Asked Questions About DiamondTrack Trackout Mats:

Can track out mats be used as a Best Management Practice (BMP) to meet SWPPP for a Stabilized Construction Exit (SCE)?

Yes, DiamondTrack track out mats can be used as a Best Management Practice (BMP) to meet SWPPP for a Stabilized Construction Exit (SCE). Check your job site’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for specific requirements.

What type of subsurface is required for trackout mats?

DiamondTrack trackout mats can be installed over various substrates, such as unexcavated soil, concrete, pavement or asphalt.

Where can you use trackout prevention mats?

Trackout prevention mats can be used as entrances and exits on commercial and residential work sites during construction projects, utilities maintenance, oil & gas exploration, municipal projects, highway projects, residential development and energy projects.

Are trackout control mats reusable?

Yes, DiamondTrack trackout control mats are made from a proprietary blend of HDPE that ensures strength and reusability on countless job sites for up to 10 years.

Do trackout mats require maintenance?

DiamondTrack trackout mats are virtually maintenance-free after installation and can remain in place for the duration of your project. After your project is complete, mats should be cleaned and then can be reused.

Should I use a track out mat instead of a rock construction zone exit?

Yes, you should use a trackout mat instead of a rock construction zone exit because they effectively remove sediment from vehicle tires and are more cost-effective.

What makes Signature’s trackout prevention mats more effective at sediment removal compared to other construction track out mats?

DiamondTrack trackout prevention mats offer an innovative diamond-shaped terrain that forces sediment off vehicle tires while providing 30% more surface area and 12% more perimeter contact area with the base than competing construction track out mats.

Can you recycle construction entrance mats?

Yes, DiamondTrack is made from non-toxic HDPE and can be recycled.

